Sunday, July 12, 2009

Vegas trip!

So, I went to Vegas the day after I got here, so haven't been able to make any updates.
Vegas was lots of fun! We went to see a comedy show, went shopping and lots of oher stuff as well!
Coming up today (Sunday) is the arrival of the German tour guide, who's going to be staying with us - and at 2 pm we're having a big barbeque party, for a ton of people I don't know... :)

Monday, July 6, 2009

First post from The States!

As you might know, I'm going to be in the states for 3 weeks from today. This is my first post from the Newark airport in New York!
I'm waiting for my flight to L.A., which will be leaving in about 2 hours... exiting!

I'll post something from L.A. once I get there!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Trying to keep up with all your blogs?

Follow my blog with bloglovin´ and follow many others! All new posts are posted on the same page, in a nice layout. From now on you only have to check one page to see what's new on all your favorite blogs! :D

Update: Jooks admits to "borrow" from Outkast!

In my previous post I gave an example of how the Danish rapper Jooks had a hit that sounded a lot like Outkast - Hey Ya.
Now he admits to be "strongly inspired"...

Music rip-off?

Ok, so I read an article about this, and thought I'd check it out for myself:
Recently a Dansih rapper, by the name of "Jooks" have become radther popular with this song:

The thing is, that riff/beat sounds quite familiar? Now check out this song: (forward to song at 1:04)

That's Oukast - Hey ya

And well, just for the heck of it, I made this little mashup:
I got the instrumental version of the "Jooks" song playing on the left deck, and Outkast on the right deck (tried to filter out as much Outkast music, as I couldn't find an acapella version of the song):

I know that it's not very good, and that the beat doesn't really sync up after the first line, but I thought it might be fun... Comment please :D

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Cool independent movie

A Peter Jackson-inspired Lord of the Rings prequel - made completely non-profit - awesome!

Read more at the website or watch the movie (subtitles can be found in the "menu"):

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New stuff happening!

Alright then - Julie is bored with her friends; apparently, we're not exciting enough.... so here goes, random stuff:

I've spent the last couple of weeks preparing my exams, which pretty much sucks. I had my history exam today, and got a C...yay!?

I've also started to watch the TV-show Frasier again... Probably the best intelligent humor ever made! Dont beleive me? Check this out:

For thoose of you who already know Frasier - check this out! :D

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Someone should have told me...

...that they were having auditions..

I'm SO going to see this show.... on the DVD (yay!)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Free live album from Coldplay!

The british band Coldplay is now letting you download a free live album from their website! It's pretty awesome - check it out here.
All you have to do is put in your e-mail and the country you're from (no spam)

The tracklist for the album is:
01 Glass Of Water.mp3
02 42.mp3
03 Clocks.mp3
04 Strawberry Swing.mp3
05 The Hardest Part / Postcards From far away.mp3
06 Viva La Vida.mp3
07 Death Will Never Conquer.mp3
08 Fix You.mp3
09 Death And All His Friends.mp3

Monday, May 18, 2009

First post - like....evah!

So apparently, I'm supposed to have a blog, beeing the geek I am... I don't know much about what I'm gonna put here yet, but I'm thinking random stuff (hence the title - pretty smart, huh?)
So drop by once in a while and check out what I've decided to post...

I'd like to thank miss Groove for my awesome blog-layout, that is somehow very much like her own?
